
Sajid Javid: The Times Interview

This article was published in The Times, 20/08/2022

Sajid Javid and Bailey, his barking cavapoo, greet me at his terraced Fulham home, the former dressed in trousers and a white shirt, and sporting a brand-new beard and moustache, which he’s eager to discuss.

Sajid Javid: The Times 'Liz Truss is the best of Thatcher and Reagan'

This article was published in The Times, 03/08/2022. 

Even by the standards of recent years, our politics is moving at extraordinary speed. But it would be a mistake to think that this pace will suddenly slow down in September once a new leader is in place.

Sajid Javid: 'A New Conservative Economic Plan'

Just five days ago, I stood up in Parliament and spoke from the heart -

and, I believe, in the interest of our country.

I stand here today in the same spirit.

To say what I believe needs saying,

and bring into focus what’s really at stake. 

Sajid Javid Backs Bromsgrove Beer and Cider Festival

MORE than 2,200 people flocked to Bromsgrove Beer and Cider Festival after a three-year hiatus.

From Thursday, June 30 to Saturday, July 2 more than 95 volunteers put on the 18th Bromsgrove Beer and Cider Festival at Finstall Park.

Sajid Javid: The Times Interview

Sajid Javid had been to visit his mother, Zubaida, in Bristol, and was about to arrive home in London when he got the phone call from his younger brother.